Swift County Land Records

Services and Responsibilities:
  •  Custodian of all records of the county pertaining to real estate property titles, transfers, and plats.
  •  Records are open to the public.
  •  Operates under the "Race Notice Law"
  •  Processes "registered land titles" or Torrens properties according to District Court directives.
  •  Custodian of military discharges and federal and state tax liens.
  •  Furnishes copies of title documents to property owners for documentation of ownership.
  •  Acceptance agent for passports. 


The County Land Records Office is the custodian of all records of the County pertain­ing to property titles and transfers. Being in the County Land Records Office is like being in a gigantic history book. In Swift County, the records date back to the 1870's. The first Register of Deeds in Swift County took office in 1871, which is also the year county government began in Swift County.

 All records are open to the public. These records are used by abstractors, attorneys, title companies, realtors, lending institutions, surveyors, homeowners, and the general public. We have many people searching their "roots" ‑ tracing family histories. 

The Land Records Office also operates under the Race Notice Law. This liter­ally means that a person who wins the race with his legal documents establishes his or her interest first. It's as simple and important as that. The office is in constant production. Our recording is and needs to be up-­to‑the‑minute. We file by hour and minute.

The Land Records Office is governed by laws enacted by the Minnesota State Legislature. New laws are enacted each legislative session which affect the Recorder's Office.

In the Land Records Office also assumes responsibility as Reg­istrar of Titles under the Torrens, or Registered System. The Registrar is an arm of the District Court and under the Court's control at all times. The Registrar must examine documents presented, determine that they meet the legal requirements for transfer, and issue Certificates of Title which actually convey the land to the purchaser. The Judge of District Court appoints a competent attorney to be an Examiner of Titles and then that person becomes the legal advisor to the Registrar of Titles.

In Swift County, the Land Records Office is an Acceptance Agent for passports.  Our office hours for accepting passport applications are from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday.  No appointment is required.  For additional information on obtaining a passport, visit the "official" passport website at www.travel.state.gov for guidance on fees, procedures, and required criteria.

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